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Cristallina Hut, from Ossaco


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Last survey: 12/02/2011
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1313 m
Arrival height
2575 m
Positive difference in height
1262 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From Airolo, just before the Gotthard tunnel, the Bedretto Valley extends eastwards as far as the Nufenen Pass, or Passo della Novena, where the Ticino River has its source. This beautiful valley is enclosed by mountain ranges that touch or slightly exceed three thousand metres and is the last sector of the Leventina Valley. It is a popular destination for mountain lovers, both in summer and in winter. However, its particular conformation makes it prone to avalanches, which have affected several villages in the area in the past. The route illustrated here does not present any particular technical difficulties, but it is necessary, more than in other places, to make sure that the stability of the snowpack is guaranteed.


From the Ossasco car park, climb the snowy slope and enter the forest, following the summer path that zigzags steeply upwards and allows you to quickly gain altitude. After about 15 minutes you come to a fork in the path. A sign on a tree and a yellow arrow indicate the direction to the Capanna Cristallina. Turn left and climb steeply again to the edge of the forest. At an altitude of around 1800 metres, the forest thins out. On the left, the Alpe Cristallina can be seen. Continue straight on in a southerly direction along the Val Torta, keeping high on the orographic left-hand side of the Ri Cristallina, for a long traverse that climbs steadily to a plateau. You cross a rather steep jump with wide hairpin bends and reach an altitude of 2214 metres, the point from which the track for the Naret pass starts. We now continue in a south-westerly direction, passing more ups and downs until we reach an altitude of 2349 metres, where we find the ruins of the old hut destroyed by one of the many avalanches that struck the area. The new Capanna Cristallina can be glimpsed further up. We descend for a short distance and cover a few hundred metres on a false level, then a last hairpin bend leads to an altitude of 2568 metres. We are at the Cristallina Pass, and just a little further up on the right is the Capanna, crowded with ski mountaineers and snowshoers. The Cristallina peak is to our left (south-east), opposite is the imposing Basodino glacier (south), and to the right is the beautiful Cima di Lago (west). The descent follows the same route as the ascent, without too many digressions that could be dangerous.


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© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello
© 2011 - Rita Tarussello

We have been there


Edited by:

Cristallina Hut, from Ossaco
domenica 13 febbraio 2011

Capanna Cristallina

partiti da casa ben prima dell'alba, per essere alla partenza verso le 8. Il piccolo parcheggio si riempie facilmente e sulla strada pare fiocchino le multe. Gita tecnicamente facile ma fisicamente impegnativa, l'ambiente dopo il bosco ripaga però gli sforzi. Anche il rifugio aperto può essere una bella opportunità. Consigliabile dopo aver consultato il bollettino delle valanghe, perchè i ripidi pendii circostanti sono poco rassicuranti se carichi di neve fresca.partiti da casa ben prima dell'alba, per essere alla partenza verso le 8. Il piccolo parcheggio si riempie facilmente e sulla strada pare fiocchino le multe. Gita tecnicamente facile ma fisicamente impegnativa, l'ambiente dopo il bosco ripaga però gli sforzi. Anche il rifugio aperto può essere una bella opportunità. Consigliabile dopo aver consultato il bollettino delle valanghe, perchè i ripidi pendii circostanti sono poco rassicuranti se carichi di neve fresca.
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