Bregalla Tower

From the Celle Ligure exit, go down to the coast and park in one of the many car parks, free in the winter and chargeable during the summer.
Easy and scenic winter walk to the summit where a tower once stood, used as a coastal lookout point. It was pulled down in 1944 by the Germans because it could be used as a landmark to regulate the firing of enemy ships on the coast. We also walk along a section of the botanical path, with panels on local species. On the way back, we pass through the village of Cassisi, before returning to Celle.
Leaving the vehicle on the promenade, go up Via Trentun and join Via Alla Costa. Continue on the main road (watch out for vehicles!) as far as the church of San Giovanni Battista, where you turn left, leaving the asphalt. Afterwards, you cross the road again, but leave it, immediately, to turn left. Continue along a wide track until you come to a new road. Go straight on and there is a Y junction: here you keep to the right. In less than 2', there is a new, rather inconspicuous turnoff to the right... You lose a few metres in altitude and the village of Sanda comes into view. One passes a gate (to be closed again - equestrian centre) and comes out on the access road to the sports point. Climb up to rejoin the main road (watch out for cars!). Proceed as far as the centre of Sanda. From the church, take a lane that immediately enters the forest... 5' and there is a fork in the road, which is not clearly marked. Turn left in 2' and you reach the characteristic "Poggio". One retraces one's steps, reading the various panels of the Botanical Path that accompany one to Torre Bregalla. We also note that the path is dedicated, but in an unofficial manner, to Blessed Frassati... We carefully read the various signs, which are in truth not very clear, to reach the summit of Torre Bregalla (sometimes this location is not indicated...). With a bit of caution, looking very carefully at the map and in a non-trivial way, you conquer Torre Bregalla (262 m - 2h45 to go). At a crossroads, turn left and, shortly afterwards, left again towards Cassisi. You gain a few metres in altitude (not much), until you come to a descent, which you follow to the right. You have now reached the hamlet: it is very characteristic, with several beautiful little villas... After passing the fortress house and the chapel of the Apostles St James and St Philip (watch out for vehicular traffic!), you face the final descent to Celle Ligure. In a short time, you will find your car again... (1h15 total return)
In short: Beautiful day, with excellent visibility and a difference in altitude of 350 m Dif. E (because it is practically unmarked...) for about 4h total + all the breaks to see the various places that you come across
If you want, here are two pdf photo files, with a bit more news:
NB: In the case of an excursion, always check with FIE, Cai, any park authority or other institutions, pro loco, etc., that there have been no changes that have increased the difficulties! No liability is accepted. The present text is purely indicative and not exhaustive.
Info Hiking Section Cral Galliera:
trips 2019 at the link:
General Information
Signposts: almost absent
Type of route:circular
Recommended period: October, November, December, January, February, March, April
Sun exposure: southeast
Objective Danger:none
Exposed Tracts:none
Useful Equipment:normal day hiking equipment
Water: Celle Ligure