Nicola Refuge
from Moggio towards the Culmine Pass, an agro-silvopastoral road, where there is a stanga.
The hike begins. One enters beyond the bar and accompanied by two wings of woodland, stupendous, one climbs and climbs and you admire the panorama of the snow-covered Grigne, at the bottom of the horizon you catch a glimpse of the peaks of the Swiss mountains; and then higher up, among the branches of the plants bare of leaves you can see the roof of the Rifugio Nicola glistening and to its right the pyramid, (Sodadura 2014m), to its left, majestic the Zuccone Campelli (2200m); peaks all covered in fresh snow. After about 3 hours of climbing, we reach the summit and I can hardly wait to put my legs under a table laden with mountain specialities. Magnificent hike in a quietness that, step by step with the crunching of the snow, restores my mind and spirit.