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Sanctuary of Santa Libera and Mombianco, from Ingria


Edited by:

Last survey: 29/08/2004
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
710 m
Arrival height
992 m
Positive difference in height
342 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


At the A5 motorway exit in Ivrea, take the Pedemontana road, SS565, and at Castellamonte, the SS460 in Ceresole Reale. Continue through the Orco Valley to Pont Canavese, where you turn towards the Soana Valley along the SP47. Park just beyond the village of Freilino (710m), near a concrete arch protecting the cable car above, a few hundred metres before the road to Ingria.


A short walk through old hamlets that bear witness to what life must have been like in these rugged mountains in the past. During the itinerary, one crosses several votive pillars, often built for special graces received, at other times erected to the Virgin Mary or saints for protection against natural events. Many of these pillars invite wayfarers to make a 'poza', i.e. to free themselves of the weight they were carrying in order to address a prayer to the Virgin Mary or to the saints frescoed on them. Be careful because at this time, December 2004, the footbridge over the Soana torrent, which connects Viretto with the path to Mombianco, was destroyed. It is scheduled to be restored by April 2005.


From the car park below the cable car go down the tarmac road for about fifty metres until you come to a paved mule track on the left that descends towards the stream. After the first hairpin bend, take the narrower mule track on the left, also paved, which heads towards the beautiful bridge over the Soana stream (650m). You now climb up the orographic left side of the stream, pass under a penstock, come across some votive pillars and, among the chestnut trees, gain height in the Verdassa valley. On reaching the Sanctuary, you cross the turning to the right towards the hamlets of the Verdassa valley, namely Betassa-Bech, Beirasso, Fenoglia, Monteu and Querio. On the left, climb towards the villages of Albaretto, Salsa, Mombianco and the Sanctuary of Santa Libera (940m; 0h50' from the start), which can be reached in a few minutes. From the front of the sanctuary, take the mule track that leads to Albaretto (970m) in a few minutes. Some frescoes and a sundial can be seen in the village. The path, which is rutted in places, now proceeds halfway up the hillside, with some ups and downs, passes a high concrete wall, and circumvents the spur of Monte Betassa with beautiful views of the valley below and the hamlets around the municipality of Ingria. Crossing some cliffs, and crossing other votive pillars, we reach the abandoned hamlet of Salsa (992m; 1h35' from the start). We now descend quite steeply until we cross a stream on a bridge and reach the hamlet of Mombianco (935m; 1h55' from the start). Although still inhabited, Mombianco can currently only be reached on foot. Before continuing, it is worth pausing to look at the beautiful church and to reach a very scenic grassy knoll. Near the arrival station of the cable car, the mule track starts out and leads towards the Soana torrent among many votive pillars. When you reach the bottom (2h 15' from the start) be careful because at this time, December 2004, the footbridge over the Soana was destroyed. It is scheduled to be restored by April 2005. While waiting for the footbridge to be rebuilt, the only way to cross the torrent is to go a little way downstream in search of shallow, uneventful waters in which to wade. It is therefore advisable, pending the reconstruction of the footbridge, to wear high (at least 50 cm) rubber boots. Ascend the other side along the service track to reach the asphalt road, just above the hamlet of Viretto (730m). Follow the provincial road down the valley until you reach the starting point (2h 45' from the start). 

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