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Lake Countryside Ring


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Last survey: 07/10/2009
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
239 m
Arrival height
239 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


At the A5 motorway exit in Ivrea, take the SS565 main road towards Ivrea. After travelling along Via Pavone and all of Via Jervis, turn right into Via Torino. After about 300 metres turn right onto Viadotto 25 Aprile, keep left at the first fork and reach the roundabout on Corso Vercelli. Continue straight on Via Strusiglia and at the next roundabout turn 45 degrees onto Via Cascinette. Once in Cascinette d'Ivrea, continue as far as the traffic lights near the church of Sant'Antonio. Turn left and after about 500 metres turn left again towards the cemetery and Lago di Campagna. After about 300 metres you can park near the "Pian Cit" picnic area.


Easy route around Lake Campagna (or Cascinette Lake) in a landscape of glacial origin populated by many species of waterfowl such as great crested grebes (Podiceps cristatus) coots (Fulica atra), mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and others.


From the Pian Cit car park (238 m), turn right (purple markings) towards the concrete tables and benches of the picnic area and you are immediately on the eastern shores of Lake Campagna. Keep to the left and walk along the southern side of the lake, climbing a little on the modest Mombello hill and descending again to the grassy clearing with picnic area at Pian Gros. Continue westward with a few ups and downs along Monte Capra to the "Fosso di Prafagiolo". A modest climb leads to the fork for Prafagiolo (245m, 0h20'). Now keep to the right on the beautiful mule track and after about 6 minutes' walk, leave it to follow a wide diversions to the right.
At the lake shore, turn left and enter the woods. After a few minutes leave the road and climb to the right to the Castellazzo viewpoint (257 m, 0h30'). Now retrace your steps to the mule track (purple markings) and turn right. Taking the "Strada di Mombertino" and passing the footbridge over the Rio della Serra, the road crosses the tarmac provincial road SP74 to be followed to the right. After a wide bend to the left, reach Pian Cit via the footbridge over Rio dell'Albera and the car park (238 m, 0h55').

General Information

Trail signposting:purple
Type of route: circular
Recommended period: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Exposure to sunlight: south
Max height reached:257m

Galleria fotografica

Lago di Campagna ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Lago Campagna a Pian Cit ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Lago Campagna a Pian Gros ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Lago Campagna ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Chiaverano ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Fosso di Prafagiolo ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Xerotermofile al Punto Panoramico Castellazzo ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Lago di Campagna dal punto panoramico Castellazzo ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Passerella sul Rio della Serra ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Passerella sul Rio dell'Albera ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni
Cascinette di Ivrea ©2007 Ivano Ruffoni
© 2007 - Ivano Ruffoni

We have been there