Chiarella Refuge, from Glassier

In the splendid moraine basin, at the foot of the Grand Tête de By and the Tête Blanche, lies the discreet Chiarella refuge in the locality known as Amianthe. The excursion proposed here offers interesting high mountain emotions with unusual views.
We set off on a nice grassy track bordered by a wooden railing, which soon leads to Pont (1690m, 0h05') where we meet an alpine pasture and a peculiar aqueduct. Pass under the bridge of the aqueduct and start climbing the slope again on the comfortable mule track bordered in places by a wooden railing. With a series of twists and turns, you gain height until reaching a small chapel and, shortly afterwards, Casa Farinet. After a few metres, you reach the track, which you take to the left and follow northwards. Leave the small Lac de By reservoir on the left and reach the village of By (2048m, 1h15'). From By, take the path that climbs up the pastureland until it joins a short plateau; continue towards the impluvium of the Torrent de la Grande-Maison. When you reach the small stream, ford it and proceed to the left and ascend the meadow on a diagonal to reach the restored alpine pastures of Tsa Commune (2,404m, 2h00'). Continue the ascent, still on the south slope - in full sun, without vegetation and shade... The path stretches out at the foot of Pointe Ratti (dedicated to the exploits of mountaineer Achille Ratti, better known as Pope Pius XI). At the end of the long diagonal, you reach a stream with a small waterfall, easily ford it and begin an 'interminable' ascent made up of countless twists and turns. The environment changes and from the prairie you pass into the macereto. A sloping rocky slab is reached, an uneasy passage made easier by a pair of chains. The route now comes to an end, and while you can enjoy suggestive views of Mont Velan, Grand Tête de By and Tête Blanche, you proceed slightly uphill on scree until you reach the Chiarella hut (2979m, 4h15'). The descent follows the same route as on the outward journey (2h30').
Riferimenti Bibliografici
- Rifugi e bivacchi della Valle d’Aosta - Martini Massimo e Zavatta Luca - Editrek e L’Escursionista editore, Saint-Vincent-Rimini, 2012