Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Bertone Refuge, from the Villair

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Last survey: 10/06/2002
5.20 Km
Departure altitude
1399 m
Arrival height
1972 m
Positive difference in height
573 m
Negative difference in height
573 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


A recent but certainly popular destination for tourists who enjoy a healthy holiday in Courmayeur. The non-excessive difference in altitude and the absolute absence of difficulty make it an attractive excursion for families. A catering service is provided at the refuge.


0h00' Leaving the car in a small car park after the village (note: there are not many parking spaces, so it is advisable to park further down to avoid obstructing residents), continue along a small road that is first asphalted and then, at a chalet on the left, unpaved. Take a tree-lined lane up the orographic left of the Val Sapin stream. After about 5 minutes, you come to a panel with a thematic map of the paths in the Espace Mont Blanc and a signpost indicating the itinerary to follow to reach your destination: path 42 .
Go past a bar and continue on the dirt road; after a few metres, cross the stream on a small concrete bridge and climb up this stretch of road without too much of a slope, which offers beautiful views of Mont Blanc, the Aiguille Noire de Peuterey and Mont Chetif. After a 20-minute walk, on the bend in the farm road, we come to the crossroads for Belvedere (1580m, 0h45'), trail (37), and for La Saxe (1226m, 0h30'), trail (34). We continue along the road, which crosses a Scots pine and birch forest without any particular difference in altitude and enters the Val Sapin. After about 25 minutes we come to the crossroads for the hut, following path (42).
We turn left and begin to climb up a beautiful path through a green forest; after 0h40' we come to a monument dedicated to the Aosta Battalion and its unmistakable motto!
We continue the ascent through the forest, enjoying sudden panoramic views of the surrounding mountains: in the distance the mountains of La Thuile and in the foreground the mighty Mont Crammont. After about an hour's walk, the path flattens out slightly as it heads south and then begins to climb again on the last stretch of the route. Having passed a rudimentary stone bench, we finally leave the last strip of larch woodland and after 1h 25' we reach a signpost at the foot of the hut: in front of us emerges in all its splendour Mont Blanc and the unmistakable silhouette of Mont Chetif: from here we reach the hut in five minutes.
Just above the Refuge we find the alpine pastures of Le Pré (2000m) and an orientation board to enjoy the fantastic panorama of the entire Mont Blanc Massif.




General Information

Signposts: 1 - TMB
Type of route: a/r
Recommended period: May, June, July, August, September, October
Sun exposure: south (but very shady)
Objective Danger:none
Exposed Trails:none
Useful Equipment:
Water: Rifugio Bertone

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© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini

We have been there


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Bertone Refuge, from the Villair
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Rifugio Bertone

Giornata molto fredda con vento discreto. Nella notte tra sabato e domenica una prima nevicata ha imbiancato le cime.
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