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Mount Teggiolo

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Last survey: 24/03/2007
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1330 m
Arrival height
2385 m
Positive difference in height
1055 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


By car from Domodossola to Varzo in the Divedro Valley. Here you turn right into the Cairasca valley to San Domenico. Continue by car towards the end of the valley, initially downhill, for about 1km to the end of the tarmac road (Ponte Campo).


The Teggiolo is a beautiful plateau sloping towards the Cairasca Valley, while it is sheer above the Divedro Valley, with remarkable high-altitude pastures and a unique circular panorama, which is also very interesting from a geological point of view (overlapping Pennidic coatings; see Regional Geological Guides - Le Alpi dal Monte Bianco Al Lago Maggiore, 2 vol. - BEMA Ed.). Also to be admired along the route are the huts with typical Ossola stone roofs, set in well-kept alpine pastures. There is a nice little bivouac at the summit, with a bench and a small stove that tempt you to spend the night there to enjoy a truly unique sunset and sunrise. The trip is also feasible as a ski mountaineering trip.



Leaving the car behind, walk over the bridge over the Cairasca and follow the signs for Alpe Veglia. After a series of wide hairpin bends on the narrow, partly paved road, you come to a barrier with a warning sign for access to Alpe Veglia, at a crossroads. You then leave the main dirt track to take the one on the left, which enters the wood with a series of hairpin bends. This leads to Alpe Vallè in the open field. The road, now rather uneven, continues to Alpe Balmelle. Cross the Alpe cottages, ignoring the dirt road that goes to the right and stops at a water intake, and continue into the valley, now on a simple path, towards the Possette pass. A few metres from the pass, at a large cairn, cut left on sheep tracks, setting foot on the very wide Teggiolo slope; across the beautiful pastureland, you reach the Dosso pass (overlooking the famous Devil's bridge, a thousand metres lower down in Val Divedro, connecting Trasquera to Bugliaga), and from here the summit. Return along the same route. 


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