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Monte Messer, from Col Indes


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Last survey: 16/12/2006
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1053 m
Arrival height
2230 m
Positive difference in height
1177 m
Negative difference in height
1177 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From Belluno, go up the SS n.50 road as far as Ponte nelle Alpi: here turn right and follow the SS.51 road for a few kilometres. Pass Ponte delle Schiette to reach the locality of La Secca: here turn left and go up the SP no. 28 to Tambre as far as the locality of Broz: here turn right and continue as far as Col Indes.



I undertook this crossing on a very hot June day, the litre of water I had brought was not enough. It is better to abound even if the weight of the backpack increases.... A harness, a lanyard and some carabiners are useful for the equipped sections. I didn't take any gear, according to an entirely personal and also disputable philosophy, the greatest dangers are not to be found where the path is equipped but where the terrain is friable, where there are steep slopes of dry or wet grass, it is in these places that it is easy to slip. For the rest, as with solitary climbing, it is a question of inner calm, psychological balance, absence of vertigo, and habit of heights.


Departure from casera Cate - ascent in val Salatis to casera Pian de le Stele - ascent to forcella Grava Piana - ascent and crossing of monti I Muri, Paster, Brutt Pass and Messer - descent to bivacco Toffolon and to Pian Formosa - return to casera Cate via the Alpago Natura trail. This route is more difficult than the previous ones, both in terms of duration and technical difficulties. The steep climb over loose terrain to Forcella Grava Piana is just a foretaste. From here there is a short descent and then begins the excellently equipped climb with metal cables to Monte I Muri. The route continues along the ridge; there are frequent descents and ascents, now we are on the Alpago side, now on the Val Prescudin side. After about two hours of walking, we come to a steep 'rotten' gully (with unstable stones) about 20m long, which we must ascend. This, in my opinion, is the most difficult and dangerous section of the entire route. There are no protections of any kind, the holds and footholds are mostly unstable. Be very careful, your foot or hand may not be in the right place! Back on the ridge, more descents and ascents on both the Alpago and Val Prescudin sides: climb up the Paster and finally reach the equipped section of about 100m of the Brutt Pass. The view from the crossing is beautiful (if you have parked your car at Casera Cate, you can check it out...), the exposure is remarkable, and the cable arrangement excellent. More descents and ascents follow until the Messer, the last peak of the day, 4 hours from Forcella Grava Piana. Immediately after the summit, towards the Forcella Antander saddle, we finally catch a glimpse of the Toffolon bivouac, which we soon reach. Here the difficulties are over. You descend to the valley, to Pian Formosa, following an easy path and, shortly afterwards, take the Alpago Natura path, which leads back to Casera Cate. I undertook this crossing on a very hot June day, the litre of water I had brought was not enough. It is better to abound even if the weight of the rucksack increases.... A harness, a lanyard and some carabiners are useful for the equipped sections. I didn't take any gear, according to an entirely personal and also disputable philosophy, the greatest dangers are not to be found where the path is equipped but where the terrain is friable, where there are steep slopes of dry or wet grass, it is in these places that it is easy to slip. For the rest, as with solitary climbing, it is a question of inner calm, psychological balance, absence of vertigo, and habit of heights. 


  • Alpago - Cansiglio - Piancavallo - Valcellina, Topographic Map, sheet 012, 1:25000, Casa Editrice Tabacco, 2006

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