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Mount Barbeston, from Cloutraz


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Last survey: 31/12/2000
13.00 Km
Departure altitude
1052 m
Arrival height
2482 m
Positive difference in height
1430 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Easy access to a highly panoramic peak, located in the centre of the Aosta Valley and offering a priceless panorama of all the main peaks. The eye sweeps from Mont Blanc to Lake Viverone.



Coming from Châtillon, past the village of Pontey in the direction of Chambave, on what is known as the road of the envers, an uphill section begins that culminates in a fork at a sharp turn-off. On the left, the road continues uphill and you must follow it. After a few kilometres, you arrive at the village of Cloutraz (1052m), where the asphalt road ends and where a sign indicates "Barbeston 4 h" (trail 1). The road continues as a dirt track with access reserved for landowners; however, it is practicable with mountain bikes, although it has several rough spots. In any case, it is 7 km that must be covered to reach the village of Valmeriana (1795 m), where the cycling route eventually ends. After passing the houses, we enter the forest along the very evident path (1). The only fork in the path is the one leading to the Valmeriana pass (2282m), which must be left to the right. The Valmeriana pass is reached in about 1h 30'. From here you can enjoy a splendid panorama of the Mont Avic regional park. The summit of Barbeston stands out on the left, not without its grandeur, but, despite the impression, it is easily reached in the short space of half an hour. At the summit, you will need to be careful where you put your feet, because the rocks are overhanging the valley below.

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