Mont de Balme, from Glassier

Indicated as Pointe de la Bonne Morte on map of trails No. 6 (Valpelline Saint-Barthelemy) The Hiker's Edition, while map No. 5 (Ollomont Gran San Bernardo) bears the name Mont de Balme, a name also given by Buscaini, Alpi Pennine I, Guida dei Monti d'Italia.
From Glassier, climb up towards By, then follow the col Fenetre path to Balme de Bal. In winter, with good snow conditions, from the Cheval blanc, an alpine pasture below By, head west, over a dip via a gully beyond which you reach the Balme de Bal. From here, you can either walk along the SSE ridge in its entirety to the summit, or (comfortable but long) follow the path that branches off from that of col Fenetre (possible shortening) to the lower Filon alpine pasture. Continue for a hundred or so metres on the inter-country road to climb the slopes to the left that lead to a saddle on the crest just before the summit. Alternatively, from By follow the path to the Amianthe hut. Just before entering a small valley, climb up a grassy crest to the right that leads to the Bonamort plateau and then reach the clearly visible Bonamort pass (very steep, not recommended with snow). From the pass, contour the summit above to the south until you find traces of a path over the final slope to the summit.