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Nambino Lake, from the Nambino Plain


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Last survey: 20/02/2008
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1634 m
Arrival height
1768 m
Positive difference in height
134 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Even for this walk I would recommend it to the whole family, it will certainly be a little harder for the little ones, but with the help of good mums and dads, the little difficulties can be overcome.


 You start out from the Piana di Nambino, which is located just above the Madonna di Campiglio ski resort, where you can park your car in a large square. Once you have left the car, you take the dirt road that leads up the mountain for about 500 to 600 m, after which the actual path [217] through the forest begins.
The path which leads to the mountain lake is fairly short but has a fair difference in height made up of stone steps and roots and ramps; after about 20 minutes the little lake, fed by the Presanella and Brenta group glaciers, opens up before our eyes, immersed in a basin where the mountains of the Brenta group crown it.
To the left of the lake is a charming refuge, where it is possible to stay overnight and eat all year round (if interested, this is their site, behind which starts the path [269] to reach Lake Lambin at an altitude of 2324m, while a small path from the hut leads to tackle the circumnavigation of the lake.
We prepare to go round the lake to find a little spot, possibly in the sun (a variable note on all our hikes) so that we can enjoy the sumptuous meal that we have brought with us again today. We find an isthmus between the pond and a little stream that suits us as it will act as a refrigerator for our drinks. The sun begins to pierce the clouds and so we think about placing our pizza, bought the day before and then frozen, on a rock so that the sun's rays can at least warm it up. Having said that, the sun begins to play hide-and-seek with the clouds, forcing us to refresh ourselves with a rather cold and soggy pizza.
Finished lunch, and seeing that the sun doesn't want to know how to warm up this suggestive glimpse of nature, we head for the nearby refuge to get something hot, or rather coffee and two slices of the legendary carrot cake.
Since in the meantime the sun has reappeared, we think it's a good idea to go back to the pebbly shore of the lake to catch a little sun before setting off on the path back.
For the return journey, we set off on another path, which will take us to the Malga Patascoss, which can be found on the right after crossing a small bridge over the stream that helps to feed the lake. Here too, the path winds its way through a beautiful, dense coniferous forest with a slight, steady slope downwards. After a few metres, the path forks with a branch to the left indicating 'Madonna di Campiglio', while following it straight on leads to Malga Patascoss. Taking the path on the left leads us quickly, but perhaps less steeply than the one on the way up to the Piana di Nambino, the last section of which runs alongside the watercourse coming from the lake.
As we intend to go on to the Malga, which we reach after almost an hour's walk, at which point we take the tarmac road and head towards the car park where we have left the car to return to our base camp.


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