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Lake Arpy, from Colle San Carlo

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Last survey: 22/10/2023
6.00 Km
Departure altitude
1950 m
Arrival height
2066 m
Positive difference in height
110 m
Negative difference in height
110 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From the A5 motorway barrier at Aosta-West, keep left and follow the signs for Aosta - Saint-Pierre. After one kilometre, at the roundabout, take the second exit to join the national road SS26. Continue on the state road for 21.1 kilometres, passing through and alongside the villages of Saint-Pierre, Villeneuve, Arvier, Avise and Derby until you reach a roundabout near Morgex. Take the second exit and take the regional road SR39 which, after skirting the Dora Baltea for about a kilometre, turns left to begin the ascent to Colle San Carlo. Continue along the regional road for another 11.8 kilometres with a succession of hairpin bends until you reach Colle San Carlo and the free car park 🅿️ opposite the Genzianella hotel. The area is very popular with tourists, so you may not find a parking space, especially if you arrive early.

[0h51'] - [32.4km]
How to get there with GMaps
How to get there with Apple Maps

The information provided here has been verified as of the date of the route survey. Before setting off, it is advisable to ensure that no substantial changes have occurred on the route to the starting point. We therefore recommend the use of the satellite navigation apps provided by Google or Apple for up-to-date and detailed directions.


A quiet walk, without any difficulty, in the midst of beautiful woods near Colle San Carlo. The arrival at the lake amply repays the little effort with a priceless panorama reflected in its waters. This hike is particularly suitable for families with children.


0h00' Leaving the car in the car park next to the Albergo Genzianella, we turn left and follow the signposts indicating the path (15vda) that we should follow. We immediately enter a beautiful wood of firs and larches, following a wide, semi-flat road. After following the contours of a small valley, the path makes a large semicircle and we reach a fork in the road (2012m).

0h15' Continue on the path (15vda) that branches off to the left, ignoring the (16vda) that leads to the Col de la Croix (2381m). Proceed slightly downhill into the valley leading to the lake. Leaving a few wooden benches along the way that can be used for a restorative break, the trail begins to climb again with greater intensity and, after a couple of hairpin bends, it resumes almost level, crossing the base of the ridge below the Col de la Croix. The last stretch before the lake is characterised by a thinning of the forest and the presence of a waterfall generated by the water coming out of the lake.
When we reach the lake, we can admire the splendid basin where Mont Colmet is reflected in its calm waters: circling the lake, we can enjoy the Grandes Jorasses reflected in its waters, definitely a beautiful experience! (2066m, 1h05').
The return is by the same route as the outward journey 0h45'.

Taking this route in autumn allows you to fully enjoy the colourful mélanges of the larch trees with postcard-perfect backdrops! In addition, the number of visitors is lower, so autumn is the best time to reach Lake Arpy.

The lake is a great place to fish for trout, and there is also a rare species of amphibian, the Alpine newt (Triturus alpestris), which can be found in only a few other lakes in the Alps.


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Lake Arpy, from Colle San Carlo
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Lago d'Arpy

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Lake Arpy, from Colle San Carlo
domenica 22 ottobre 2023

Lago d'Arpy, dal Colle San Carlo

Piacevole passeggiata con Sabrina per gustare i colori autunnali. Giornata soleggiata e fresca (7°c) con discreta presenza di escursionisti. Come sempre gli scorci del lago in questa stagione è un must da non mancare.

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