Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Campo dei Fiori, from Comerio


Edited by:

Last survey: 14/03/2007
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
380 m
Arrival height
1165 m
Positive difference in height
785 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Splendid itinerary within the Campo dei Fiori Regional Park.



From Comerio station, go through the subway and exit straight ahead to the left. Go up the stairs and at the top, turn right. You enter the village, passing in front of the church. Then turn right onto via Garibaldi. Cross the main road (signpost) and go up via Mattello. After the crossroads with via Monte Rosa, follow the track to the left; at the next two crossroads, follow the track to the right, arriving at a cart track. Here, turn left. This is the start of a beautiful stretch among chestnut and hazelnut trees and, above all, flowers, violets, periwinkles, dandelions, primroses and others all along the ascent. Following the good indications of the path 12 for forte di Orino, climb up the entire slope, passing first the Remeron cave and then, after a flat stretch halfway up, the Scondurava cave halfway up the last steep climb. At the height of the second cave, the landscape changes completely, from mixed woodland to a fir forest, a clear sign of reforestation carried out many years ago. We thus leave the military cart track and go left to shortly reach the Fortress of Orino; we recommend the short diversions to the right, recently marked, which leads right to the ridge. The panorama over the Varese and Lago Maggiore lakes is spectacular, but even more so over the entire Alpine arc from Monviso to Disgrazia! Shortly before the fort we finally find the sign indicating path number 13 , which we will follow, without any major problems by crossing the woods again, downhill to Gavirate, taking care when entering the woods because the markers are rare. Once in Gavirate, descend to Via Corridoni and then turn left for the station.


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© 2009 - Paolo Erba
© 2009 - Paolo Erba
© 2009 - Paolo Erba
© 2009 - Paolo Erba

We have been there