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Col du Lac Blanc, from the Lac Muffé car park


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Last survey: 31/05/2006
0.00 Km
Arrival height
2309 m
Recommended period


Leaving the A5 motorway at the Pont-Saint-Martin tollgate, after 100m turn left to follow the SS26 state road in the direction of Aosta. After 500 metres, take the second exit at the roundabout and continue on the state road for 3 kilometres to the next roundabout. Take the second exit and follow the regional road SR2 in the Champorcher Valley. Continue on the regional road for 14.7 kilometres up the valley and through the villages of Hône and Pontboset before reaching Château, the centre of Champorcher. Turn right, following the signs for Dondena and climb up the little communal road for about 3.2 kilometres until you reach a clearing 🅿️ near L'Ansermet where you can leave your car. 

[0h39'] - [25.8km]

How to get there with GMaps

How to get there with Apple Maps


The route, which is very popular especially as far as Lake Muffé, allows you to reach the Col du Lac Blanc, which, together with the Col de la Croix, constitutes one of the twin communication passes between the Champorcher valley and the Champdepraz valley.


From the car park clearing (1800 m), proceed along the initially paved road. Shortly afterwards, on the right, you meet the diversions towards Col de la Croix, Col du Lac Blanc, Col Terra Rossa, Grange Arcomy Damon and Barbustel hut (signposts Trail N° 10, Trail N° 10c, Trail N° 11, Trail N° 11a). Take the steep paved mule track and climb up between wooden railings. In a few minutes, you reach the junction for the Grange Arcomy Damon, Brenve and Zuc, signposted Trail N° 11a. Turn left, signposted Trail N° 10/Sentiero N° 10c/Sentiero N° 9c to the Lakes, proceeding on steps. As you ascend, leave the extensive Alpe Cort plateau to your right, cross the stream and, continuing on the orographic right of the gully, climb to the ruin of "la Grand Cort" (1944 m). On the way up, cross the turning to the right for Col Terra Rossa, trail marker N° 10f, continue in a hollow full of boulders, leave trail marker N° 9c for Vernouille-Raty-Dondena on your left and, continuing on trail marker N° 10/Sentiero N° 10c, past a rocky drop, you reach the terrace of Lake Muffé (2076 m, 0h45') with the alpine ruin of the same name. The panorama from the lake, originating from a glacial cirque excavation, ranges from the Perche peak to Cima Piana, from "la Torretta" to the "Tête des Hommes". Proceed north-west over a hump of sparse larch trees, leave trail marker N° 10f for Latavé and trail marker N° 10c for Col Cima Piana to your right, and, by now in sight of the pass post, climb to Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m, 1h20'). The return is by the same route: back down to Lake Muffè (2076 m, 0h25') and the car park of departure (1800 m, 1h00'). 

Photo gallery Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni The start of the itinerary Alpe Cort La Grand Cort Lake Muffé Cima Piana Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Col du Lac Blanc (2309 m) - © 2006 Ivano Ruffoni Dosso di radii larici La Torretta Col du Lac Blanc Panorama from the pass

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