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Molline Bivouac, from Prailles dessous

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Last survey: 29/08/2005
14.00 Km
Departure altitude
1642 m
Arrival height
2415 m
Positive difference in height
773 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


The Molline gorge lies at the foot of the western slope of Mont Velan on a glacial shelf separated from the Menovy gorge by a wide step of around 300m. This sense of separation can already be felt at the start of the valley and is sublimated by the presence of the small alpine pastures and the brand new Molline bivouac.


Leaving the car behind, continue along the farm road that enters the valley. After a few metres, you come to a signpost indicating that you should continue along the road (Alta Via variant 1); continue to a first crossroads where you continue straight on. Climb up the gorge through a sparse larch forest that affords fine views of Mont Velan. Go past two long hairpin bends to reach the junction for the Col de Champillon (1,731m, 0h20'): ignore the diversions to the right and continue along the farm track; go past a couple more hairpin bends to reach another junction: ignore the track to the right again and continue until you reach the pastures below the Plan Bois mountain pasture. You now walk along the lower edge of the forest, passing below the Menovy alpine pasture, in an almost straight section of gentle ascent until you reach a fork again (1946m, 1h00'): here you turn right and follow a very slightly downhill section until you reach the ford over the Menovy stream, then the little road bends right and heads for the Arvus alpine pasture (1983m, 1h15').

You pass the alpine pasture by going round it on the right and taking a track that becomes more evident near a large boulder where there are markings (20) (20b). We now begin to climb the hardest part of the excursion, the path with wide bends climbs the step that separates us from the Molline valley. We pass a short strip of larch trees and continue, aiming between two large rocks; the path is always clear and is accompanied by blueberry and juniper bushes. The last section of the path to overcome the step is slightly steeper and finally joins the path coming from Tsa de Menovy (2253m, 2h00'). From the crossroads, continue straight ahead, heading towards the Molline valley and immediately encountering the ruins of the Molline Vieille cottages (2295m, 2h05'). The path now turns slightly to the right until it reaches the base of a morainic ridge covered with alpine grassland; follow the morainic ridge along its crest line, discreetly entering this wild and suggestive environment. After a stretch of ascent, the path descends briefly, then ascends again and finally meets the Molline bivouac (2415m 2h30'), visible practically at the last moment. Shortly before the bivouac, a stone cross stands in front of the imposing mass of Mont Velan.
The return trip is along the same route as the outward journey.

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© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini
© 2008 - Massimo Martini

We have been there


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Molline Bivouac, from Prailles dessous
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Bivacco Molline

Gita di ripiego per le condizioni meteo ma comunque remunerativa per gli ambienti e qualche avvistamento faunistico. Non abbiamo visto partecipanti al Tor de Geant nel tratto di percorso in comune all'inizio del sentiero.

Edited by:

Molline Bivouac, from Prailles dessous
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Bivacco Molline

Gita di ripiego per le condizioni meteo ma comunque remunerativa per gli ambienti e qualche avvistamento faunistico. Non abbiamo visto partecipanti al Tor de Geant nel tratto di percorso in comune all'inizio del sentiero.
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