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Alpe Granda, from Prati di Lotto

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Last survey: 07/05/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
962 m
Arrival height
1688 m
Positive difference in height
726 m
Round trip time
Recommended period


Unusual hike along half-forgotten paths to a small mountain pasture scattered on the wild eastern slope of the lower Valmasino. The vegetation is interesting, varying from a damp and shady side to a dry and sunny ridge: beeches and alders against Scots pines and brooms.


From the Enel reservoir, follow a cart-track through the meadows (Prati di Lotto 962 m) that leads to the high group of mountain huts; take the path to the right that - a little higher up - goes around the lake: at the source of the Pozz Feràa, take a track to the left (arrow on a tree in the opposite direction, behind you). Climbing steeply through the wood, you come to a more evident track that you follow uphill; after a band of gorse, the path, stony in a beech wood, reaches the hump above Prati di Lotto (Sas del Tii 1250 m approx., not mapped). Continue almost level on the wide ridge until you notice (look out!!) on a tree a small arrow engraved in the trunk: follow the direction indicated to the left and begin a long traverse on a clearly visible path across the damp Valmasino slope. At times the path is exposed, and there are also a few landslides, but never really dangerous: in any case, it is totally inadvisable to descend towards the valley due to the presence of impassable and in any case friable rocky jumps. The gap between some dry stone walls heralds the meadowy basin of Tabiate 1468 m. A path that starts out between the few huts heads upwards in steps until it reaches the abandoned pine forest ridge further down the valley; following the ridge path without difficulty, through a dense coniferous forest, we reach the pastureland clearing of Cima di Granda 1688 m. The larch forest still bears the heavy marks of a fire several years ago. Leaving behind the burnt-out ruins of the old hut, continue up and down the meadows to the buildings of Alpe Granda 1700 m or so, and a little further on to the new Alpe Granda hut. For the return journey, it is advisable to walk the entire ridge climbed on the way up (panorama over the Valtellina), ignoring the detours to the Tabiate meadow and the Pozz Feràa: the path - in the stretches not yet travelled - is always clearly visible, in places a little rocky, immersed in almost Mediterranean thermophilous vegetation. The outward route is finally rejoined at the high huts of Prati di Lotto.

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