La Basilicata, situata tra Calabria e Puglia, è una terra che offre esperienze uniche, lontane dal frastuono della vita moderna. Questa regione, con i suoi silenziosi e suggestivi borghi montani, i rigogliosi boschi e le spettacolari aree naturali come i Laghi di Monticchio, invita i visitatori a immergersi nella sua bellezza incontaminata. Pur essendo prevalentemente interna, la Basilicata è bagnata da due mari: lo Ionio, con le ampie spiagge di Metaponto e Policoro, e il Tirreno, dove la costa alta e frastagliata del Golfo di Policastro offre paesaggi mozzafiato e acque cristalline.
Basilicata is nestled between the lands of Calabria and Puglia, in the southern part of Italy. One does not come here by chance. You only choose this land if you want to live a different experience, immersing yourself in places where silence, colours, scents and flavours take you far from the hubbub and stress of modern life, offering unique sensations. The woods and forests that cover the mountains are dotted with small, evocative villages, some even at an altitude of 1,000 metres, where pure air, genuine flavours and the beauty of nature combine with historical testimonies to sodden every desire for knowledge. Beautiful, yet still little explored, is the area of the Monticchio Lakes, one of the most spectacular areas in Basilicata. Lago Grande and Lago Piccolo are two splendid stretches of water that occupy the two craters, now extinct, of Monte Vulture and are surrounded by thick, lush vegetation. Although a predominantly inland region, Basilicata is washed by two seas: the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian. The Ionian coast, with the two well known resorts of Metaponto and Policoro, offers wide beaches of fine sand or pebbles, in some places surrounded by pine forests and rows of eucalyptus trees that give off a pleasant scent in the air. The Gulf of Policastro, on the Tyrrhenian side, has a higher and more indented coastline, where sheer promontories interspersed with small beaches lapped by a crystal-clear sea.
Information sheet
Headquarters: Potenza
Area: 10,073 sq. km
Minimum elevation: 0m
Maximum elevation: Serra Dolcedorme (2265m)
Number of inhabitants: 575,884 (28.02.15)
Name in dialect: Lucania
Inhabitants: Lucanians
Provinces:Province of Matera, Province of Potenza
Municipalities: 131
Bordering regions: Calabria, Campania, Puglia
Institutional site: